Modern Critical Debates: With Reference to Urdu Literature: Environmental Perspectives


  • Nosheen Qamar Urdu Literature


Criticism, Modern Theories, Urdu Literature, Theory, Ecocriticism,             Dr. Aurangzeb Niazi.


It will not be wrong if the twenty-first century is called the century of "Theory". For the reader/student of literary criticism, this period is the period of evaluating literature under Theory. Criticism in literature, which came wearing the cloak of Western terms, has become so rich that it seems useless to study any text without them. In modern critical debates, environmental criticism has emerged as a new theory. Contrary to its contemporary critical debates, it raises new questions by making the Natural environment the subject of deep problems. In the article under review, the theory of environmental criticism will be discussed specially while reviewing the selected critical debates. In this context, Dr. Aurangzeb Niazi’s new book Urdu Adab : Maholeyati Tnazer will be reviewed which is considered to be one of the founders of this new critical theory in Urdu literature.


